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About the Company Vaccinations How to Get Dr. Clean Contact Us




DR. CLEAN is a prescription vaccination that provides pain-free immunization against several illnesses. This product was created by Morley Pharmaceuticals after many years of extensive research. Our painless formula is made possible by the creation of FDA-approved capsules filled with the DNA, or plasmids, of the bacteria causing the infection. These capsules cause microscopic abrasions that allow the bloodstream to absorb the immunization without the physical pain or visible lacerations associated with a shot.

DR. CLEAN gives users a quick and easy way to remain immune to some of the most common bacterial infections. Once prescribed and picked up from the pharmacy, the patient applies the one-dose vaccination to the body in the shower, like one would if washing themselves. From there, the FDA-approved capsules and DR. CLEAN take over, entering the body to provide affective and pain-free protection from common illneses.

Morley Pharmaceuticals is able to provide the following vaccinations:

  • Streptococcus (Strep Throat)
  • Staphylococcus (Staph Infection)
  • Meningococcal (Bacterial Meningitis)
  • Bordatella Pertussis (Whooping Cough)

While there are currently only four vaccinations available for prescription, Morley Pharmaceuticals is dedicated to researching new vaccinations for other infections, such as Tuberculosis and E. coli.

Thank you for taking the time to find out more information about DR. CLEAN. With DR. CLEAN, you can remain healthy and pain-free with the convenient vaccination.